Finally the gods of cycling and weight loss have smiled at me.
I have reached less then 100 kg (99.o kg Friday October 30th) and I feel better. The diet went well and the bike commute was always ok.
Yes we are talking about 20 kg weightloss in less then 2 months which is impressive.
I even managed to change my freewheel (a SunRace 14-28 t with a Shimano 14-28t) because the old one on my wife's bike didn't work. I don't think I could have done it without the help of Sheldon Brown's site which keeps being a fantastic resource almost a year after his very regretted death.
If I am lucky this year will be the first I will do the winter cycling thing (that is bike commute regularly after November 4th).
My plans are to reach 90 kg by the end of the year and from then on another 10 kg by March 2010.
Now I really should start focusing on the technology thing because I always seem to be a bit behind and I do hate it. I had all kind of excuses but getting organised about it is more important then pretending the computer is slow or that I am tired.
Engage 9: Being in Love
3 days ago
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